A Baby Boomer Daughter’s Decade of Caring for Her Aging, Independent Mother
TennyBoots! The Memoir is an evocative, profoundly stirring story of a mother-daughter’s relationship over a decade of caregiving and care-resisting that gives voice to both—the burdened caregiver daughter and the independent Mother who’s in her late nineties. Through the gifted storytelling of both women, “TennyBoots! The Memoir” is also an entertaining historical record of the Black family that spans an arc of one hundred years through seven generations. The Memoir flows from the Red Summer of 1919, through the sharecropping South, to the Great Migration that brings this Louisiana family to Harlem in the 1930s. From fields to factories, building community, dancing at the Savoy—it’s all here. If early reviews are any indication, you must read this beautifully written extraordinary journey with universal themes of relationships and the complexity of the human spirit.

Tenny Boots! has been honored by the Sons & Daughters of the United States Middle Passage with the 2020 Phillis Wheatley Book Award for Memoirs.
About the Author
Judy Edwards is the ultimate Harlem Renaissance woman. Born and raised in Harlem, she is its fiercest cheerleader and loudest critic of the gentrification that has robbed its soul. Daughter, Mother, Grandmother and Friend are her best defined roles. Judy, a gifted writer, published poet, and now Author of TennyBoots! The Memoir studied Poetry and Literature at NYU. Judy is also an Outsider Artist. In order to put to canvas lingering memories of her childhood in Harlem, she painted the works she wanted to see in 1999. The result is her Harlem Series of Acrylic on Canvas that depict iconic scenes of her childhood in the housing projects of Harlem. A natural activist, Judy attended the CUNY School of Law, later in life, to become a lawyer in order to address inequalities she witnessed in her community. She was the Haywood Burns Fellow for the full three years, and the Luis DeGraffe Social Justice Fellowship Award winner in her first year. She specialized in Community Economic Development to attempt to stem the effects of gentrification upon her beloved Harlem neighborhood, and upon graduation and successful passing of the bar on her first try; she volunteered in Access To Justice Program for Tenants in Housing Court and set up the Edwards Community Economic Development, LLC.

About the Author
Judy Edwards is the ultimate Harlem Renaissance woman. Born and raised in Harlem, she is its fiercest cheerleader and loudest critic of the gentrification that has robbed its soul. Daughter, Mother, Grandmother and Friend are her best defined roles. Judy, a gifted writer, published poet, and now Author of “TennyBoots! The Memoir” studied Poetry and Literature at NYU. Judy is also an Outsider Artist. In order to put to canvas lingering memories of her childhood in Harlem, she painted the works she wanted to see in 1999. The result is her Harlem Series of Acrylic on Canvas that depict iconic scenes of her childhood in the housing projects of Harlem. A natural activist, Judy attended the CUNY School of Law, later in life, to become a lawyer in order to address inequalities she witnessed in her community. She was the Haywood Burns Fellow for the full three years, and the Luis DeGraffe Social Justice Fellowship Award winner in her first year. She specialized in Community Economic Development to attempt to stem the effects of gentrification upon her beloved Harlem neighborhood, and upon graduation and successful passing of the bar on her first try; she volunteered in Access To Justice Program for Tenants in Housing Court and set up the Edwards Community Economic Development, LLC.

About the Mother
The Protagonist of the Memoir is Florence Edwards, affectionately called Mama. Until Mama’s ninth decade her story is similar to a lot of Black women, whose early lives included sharecropping. Mama migrated from Opelousas LA during the Great Migration to first Galveston, TX, and then to Harlem, New York during its heyday. She met her husband, a sailor at the Savoy Ballroom. Like many, Mama worked in the factories during the war and then did housework to care for her three children.What sets Mama apart is her storytelling. Her memory of the early days lends itself to riveting story telling of her early life. In the last decade of her life, Mama’s indomitable will takes her on a ninth decade journey to a silver screen.

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TennyBoots! A Memoir By Judy Edwards is proudly published by Knecting Dots Publishers.
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