Not Today Covid 19
In the midst of the horrible news of the exponential explosion of hospitalizations, deaths and confirmed cases in New York City, this is a story of a blessing. My 70-something-year-old dear friend, “Cousin” started to exhibit symptoms of #Covid19 around March 12th or 13th. Her great-grandchildren who she cares for after-school told her that she had the virus. As she got sicker, the great-grandkids stayed at home with their parents, away from her home. Her home attendant, a younger African woman, went to work on feeding her immune-boosting foods like garlic and onions and teas and spices, etc; giving her lots of water to drink; placing poultices beneath her bed to draw out the sickness, and putting balms on her feet at night. My “Cousin,” a woman with a plethora of comorbidities: overweight, respiratory issues, cancer survivor, heart problems, diabetes, and hypertension had all the symptoms of Covid19. She had fevers, upset stomach, coughing, headaches, sore throat, and fatigue. By Saturday, her home attendant was feeling ill and stayed home. By last Monday, “Cousin” had a scheduled doctor’s appointment for the next day. The doctor’s office called and asked if she had a cold or symptoms. She responded yes, and they routed her to a Covid 19 response team for testing.
The testing was set up at Lehman in the Bronx, although she lives in Harlem—something about her insurance. On Monday afternoon she put on a mask and gloves and went by Uber to the testing facility at Lehman. She described the facility as being set apart from a regular hospital. There were many people there, and she was tested. The person who saw her also prescribed antibiotics for what she deemed to be pneumonia. Somehow they never arrived. She was told to wait for the results in 72 hours. Someone, not an official testing agent, later told her that the results wouldn’t return for about a week.
I spoke with “Cousin” by phone each day. She seemed to get better, was able to get out of bed, disinfect her apartment and was beginning to be able to speak for longer periods of time without coughing. Her granddaughter and cousin dropped off food for her, keeping a safe distance away. Then yesterday happened. One week after she had been tested with no results, I called her and she didn’t answer. I freaked out. I tried to tell myself that she had just gone to the bathroom. But I felt it was something more. I went from my bedroom to my living/dining room pacing and trying to calm myself down. Then my phone rang, it was her. Or her home attendant who felt better and had returned after a few days and didn’t like the way “Cousin” looked. She called Visiting Nurse Services, (VNS), who called an ambulance. I was able to speak with my “Cousin” who was being given oxygen by the EMS. She sounded worse than she had, but true to form, she was cussing cause the home attendant was making her go to the hospital. She was headed to Presbyterian. I began to panic for real then, but remembered my friend, Audrey’s anecdote about panicking and calmed down. I had read too much about Covid 19 patients going to hospitals alone to die. After calming down, I called her niece. She quickly got on the phone and after some time located her in the emergency room at Presbyterian. Around 10 p.m. last night the niece reported that she had spoken with a nice Latina doctor, who told her that they were pretty sure “Cousin” had the virus. She had bad pneumonia, but the most excellent part was that her oxygen level was good. She had not needed oxygen since she arrived. The plan was to treat her with antibiotics for pneumonia and release her in a day or two.
At some point in the middle of the night, the phone rang. It was “Cousin!” She reported that the emergency room was packed with people on gurneys along the walls. She had just gotten out of the emergency room and was in the old building where she had given birth to her children. Each Covid19 patient had their own room. Her nurse was wonderful she said, and she would probably be released in a day or two. They had started her on the antibiotics. This afternoon “Cousin” called me to say she was being transported home by an ambulance. Thank God Ancestors and Spirit Guides! My fat ass “Cousin”, (we call each other this lovingly) with several comorbidities told Covid19—Not Today!
After she arrived home, it was confirmed that the test was positive. I am not sure if the Presbyterian test came back faster; or if Presbyterian was able to access the Lehman test. But confirmation arrived home after she did, 8 days after the first test was taken. We are grateful, thankful and shouting out that there is a balm in Gilead, there is good news in the midst of a pandemic. Older folks with comorbidities aren’t all dead on arrival. Fight that sucker like a girl. And don’t give up till the fat lady sings. And then, keep fighting. I can hear Mama saying, “Shit, don’t just lay there and die. Fight that sucker.”
But the other part of this is that the home attendant was definitely exposed. As was the Uber driver. She lives in a building with seniors who were able to congregate daily until after she was symptomatic. Sending healing vibes to those whom “Cousin” may have infected while awaiting testing. Stay safe, stay in, stay healthy. Self distance, Mask yourself and Wash your damn hands. Mama would say, “For godsakes, it take a pandemic to make you wash ya hands? “
Peace, love, and gratefulness.
This reminded me of your writings I looked forward to on Facebook before TennyBoots. Not Today COVID 19 was a pure joy. Judy when did you realize our calling for writing. I am so glad to be a part of your journey into being an author.
Thank you, so much Denise. I imagine a long time ago. I started with poetry in my 30s. Then as I moved into employment where writing was necessary, I kept getting compliments. It was then that I realized it was a gift. I can tell when the writing is coming from someplace else or when it is forced by me. Thank you for always supporting and pushing me to write a book. It’s funny, I tried to make TennyBoots! a collection of the Sunday Morning Mama Stories, but it didn’t work. It needed a vehicle to drive it. I had to write this story today. Such a blessing.
Peace juju APDTA????not today
What an exciting ending to a terrifying experience. This shows even if we are old, there is still hope if we contract the virus. We may have to work harder but we can make it through alive. My best to “cousin” for a longer, happy life.
Yes, Vivian. It gives me so much hope. This virus does not discriminate. And you, my dear, will never be “old” !!!
Wait, wait. Go back to that part where Cousin’s attendant started hopping the folk remedies to her…
Patrick, that’s what I’m talking about. I fully credit them.
I so agree with Vivian… the ending was exciting since I didn’t know what to expect as I read your story. At each juncture, I thought this was it for “Cousin”; luckily, it was not. It is sad that the key individuals who were helpful to her contracted the virus; I hope that they too, will pull through.
Judy, you are also a mystery writer!
Thanks, Fern. But unintentionally mysterious. I didn’t want to keep folks wondering through a sordid tale of the virus: hence the title and the big, “Not Today Covid 19.” Sorry that the telegraphing didn’t work. Not the time to make folks anxious. Not certain if her home attendant did contract the virus. But she was ill for a few days, and now has to stay away from her for the full 14 days. I’m hoping that she somehow escaped it, and if not that her folk remedies would aid her in going through a very light bout of it. These, mostly women are on the front line.
I thank God for healing for cousin X and the others, we grew up together in Georgia, thank you Judy, my wife just went through almost same experience but is healing through God’s Grace I will purchase a copy your book, God Bless
Cousin Ollis. Praying for healing for your friends and family. And that the rest of us stay safe and healthy. Thank you for your support.
Hi Judy,
That’s why you are such a great mystery writer. Even with your title, I was reading on two levels: one with the ‘facts’ about “Cousins’, but the other was your writing style which had me so intrigued that I kept reading to see HOW you would end the story.
Thank you, Fern. I receive it.
So thankful that cousin came through. How is she doing now? Your writing is definitely helping us get through these times.
Thank you, Rachel. Cousin is coming along. Still coughing a bit, but feeling stronger each day. Thanks for reading the Blog.
Highly descriptive blog, I loved that bit.
Will there be a part 2?